Call us Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm: 0345 123 23 29


Being Heard is a person-centred counselling service offered by Being There.

Appropriate referrals from health and social welfare professionals and self-referrals are welcome from anyone with a life limiting illness, their carers or family members.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is counselling?

Counselling provides a safe non-judgemental space for you to talk about your problems and to explore any past issues. You may wish to understand why you feel or behave in a certain way and this may link to people or events from your past. You direct what you want to talk about and the counsellor will help you find an understanding of what is happening for you.

What will happen in the first session?

Your first session will be an assessment session. This is an opportunity for you and your counsellor to understand why you want to access counselling, and to talk about how you will work together. Your counsellor will introduce themselves and make sure you feel welcome. There will be some information they will need to take from you and they will do this over the course of the session. You will be invited to say as much or as little as you wish about what brings you to counselling. Your counsellor will have a working agreement, or contract, that they will discuss with you, which covers things like non-attendance and confidentiality. You will be asked to sign the form if you agree with the content. There may be a short wait before your regular sessions start, and we will try to give you a realistic time scale.

How often do I need to attend?

Weekly sessions are recommended, but this is not always possible if you have other regular medical appointments. Exceptionally appointments can be arranged fortnightly.

Where will my sessions take place?

All therapy will either be on-line, by telephone or at one of our private counselling rooms in Manchester or Salford. We can provide door- to-door transport or parking information if you have your own and are traveling to our counselling rooms.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for the counselling service or for the transport. However, Being There is a charity and any donations are welcome and greatly appreciated.

How many counselling sessions will I have?

We can offer up to 8 sessions. Some clients find that they do not need all 8 sessions. If you want to bring counselling to an end before you have reached 8 sessions, talk to your counsellor about this.

What should I do if I need to cancel a session?

Contact your counsellor or the counselling manager as soon as possible if you need to cancel a session as the slot may be offered to someone else. An alternative date will be arranged.

Can I bring a friend?

If you are accompanied by anyone they may wait in the waiting area for you, but they will not be able to accompany you in the session. There are many reasons for this for example, their presence may stop you saying something important. If this concerns you please talk to your counsellor.

Are all the counsellors qualified?

All Being Heard counsellors are qualified to a minimum of Diploma level. At times we may have volunteer post graduate students from Manchester and Salford Universities working with us. All students attend one to one supervision at their University. We will tell you if your counselling will be with a student. Please let us know if you have concerns
about this.

Counselling is a place where you can talk through personal difficulties and about how you feel, without being judged. You will not be told what to do or given advice, but your counsellor will help you find your solutions if this is what you want. Sometimes, just having someone to really hear what you need to say is beneficial in itself.

Get in touch

If you would like to access this free, confidential service please contact Becky on mobile number: 07708 635183 or email:

You will then be contacted to arrange your first assessment appointment.