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Trafford Patient User Partnership Group

July 29th, 2015
Posted in Events

CALLplus Volunteer Manager Lynne Bezzina has joined Trafford Patient User Partnership Group to work with patients, carers, relatives and other health professionals to help improve the experiences of all people affected by cancer.

The small, friendly group listens to patients, carers and staff about cancer issues.

They aim to help:

  • Improve facilities for cancer treatments
  • Improve care for people at all stages of treatment and beyond
  • Ensure that information for people affected by cancer is clear and understandable
  • Ensure the person affected by cancer is treated with dignity and respect
  • Influence the development and continued improvement of services

Meetings are held every two months at the Macmillan Wellbeing Centre (Refreshments are provided) and occasionally hold joint meetings with South Manchester Cancer PUP.

To find out more please contact Judy Thompson on 0161 746 2081, Macmillan Wellbeing Centre Trafford.

Judy says:  “We welcome new members, or if you do not wish to join but you have an issue, concern, compliment or complaint we would like to hear from you.”