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You said… We did

As part of our promise to act on questions raised by our members, volunteers and clients, we have created this page to share what we did as a direct result of the items that you raised. 

These were comments and questions raised at the AGM October 2024 

Volunteer travel expenses should be raised from 45p

We investigated if we should or could pay more than 45p per mile but unfortunately, if we paid any more than the national allowance (45p) then this would be seen as a benefit and would be taxable.

Zero emissions tax that is coming in for all non-electric cars

There is no information on how this will affect volunteers, but our board are investigating with Manchester City Officials to make this clearer. Updates will be posted here.

Tameside office funding

We have now got funding for the Tameside office for the next three years (until 2027) from the Big Lottery. This has not stopped us from looking for further funding or looking to work on commissions with the NHS as we have in the other areas.

Legacy donations – what are we doing with these as a charity?

We are very grateful for every donation that we are given, especially legacy donations. It is our plan to always use these donations to ensure that the charity has a sustainable future and allow us to reach as many people as possible.

Having said that, if anyone has any suggestions as to what they think donations should be used on or for, please submit these to the CEO who will take them to the board.

If you have any questions or comments, please

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